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If you’re planning a tourist trip to Japan, there are some important information you should know. Japan is known for its beautiful scenery, rich culture, and delicious food, but it’s also important to understand cultural differences and unique manners. Below, we’ve compiled information that will be useful when visiting Japan.

Visa and Passport

When visiting Japan, the necessity of a visa depends on your nationality. Tourists from many countries don’t need a visa for stays of up to 90 days for tourism purposes, but it’s important to verify this information accurately. Also, pay attention to the validity of your passport.


Japan’s transportation system is highly efficient, with trains and buses being the main modes of transport. Especially in urban areas, subways and trains are convenient. Japan has an extensive network of JR (Japan Railways) and private railway lines covering the entire country. Using IC cards like Suica or Pasmo makes transfers smoother.


While Japanese is the official language, English is also understood in tourist areas and major cities. Still, learning basic Japanese phrases can facilitate smoother communication locally. Additionally, bringing translation apps or pocket dictionaries is recommended.

Culture and Etiquette

Japanese culture and manners have several distinctive features. For example, it’s customary to remove shoes when entering a room, refrain from speaking loudly in public places, and not stick chopsticks upright in food. Greetings and bowing are also important cultural practices, and a polite attitude is expected.


Cash is still widely used for payments in Japan, but credit cards are widely accepted too. However, some small shops or stalls may only accept cash, so it’s wise to carry some cash with you at all times. Foreign currency exchange is available at airports, banks, and some hotels.


Japan boasts a globally renowned food culture. Dishes like sushi, sashimi, and ramen are popular among foreign tourists, but each region has its own specialties. Additionally, there are certain rules regarding Japanese dining etiquette, so it’s good to learn basic manners and dining practices in advance.


Touring Japan can be a wonderful experience for many people. However, due to cultural and customary differences, it’s important to prepare in advance. Keep these points in mind and enjoy a safe and enjoyable journey.

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